Our Story & Purpose

Hey y'all! Welcome to the little spot on the world wide web where I can introduce myself and my sweet South Texas farm to you!   My name is Shelby. My husband Jacob and I own a farm in the distinct South Texas landscape. It is chock full of prickly pear cactus, mesquites, huisache, road runners and horned toads.   We run a herd of cross cattle, about fifty laying  hens, a few ducks, guineas, two horses and two llama ladies.  Oh yes, and I dare not forget my herd of beautiful Nubian dairy goats. They were the truly the spark that God gave me in beginning Hill Farm Fresh.   

    Jacob and I met at college where I received my Bachelors of Science in Agriculture and a minor in Animal science so it is fitting that this city girl married a country boy.  We have two beautiful children that we have been blessed to be able to homeschool and raise up on our farm.

  God pressed upon me through several avenues, this desire to create Hill Farm Fresh. One being the adoption of my rescued Nubian herd after Hurricane Harvey.  A farmer south of Houston was forced to open his farm gates and evacuate as flood waters rose.  The goats made it through the hurricane but the farmer never came to claim his girls. They sat abandoned for over 30 days at the SPCA.  I received the call from a friend that they were available, asked my hubby if he minded I bring a herd of Nubians home (LOL), I hooked up my trailer and drove four hours to get them!   So now I was getting all of the amazing goat's milk that had wonderful, healing properties all the while hunting for a pure and natural skin care product for my daughter who was diagnosed as an infant with eczema. I searched high and low for natural products for her that would be safe and that weren't damaging to her immune system. Then it hit me. Why am I trusting commercially made products with ingredients I can't even pronounce when I have been given the ways and means to create it myself. This is where Hill Farm Fresh was born. 

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My faith, love for my community and my God-given desire to create good things with my hands are the passions behind Hill Farm Fresh. It is a blessing to me and my family to get to share my passion with you.

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